I took off work early Friday afternoon so I could get some rose bushes and a flat of daisies planted before the expected rains. We did get a very nice slow soaking rain Friday and Saturday. Late Saturday night the weatherman predicted a beautiful week ahead with very mild temperatures - no freezing nights and highs near 70 every day through Friday!!! As promised, Sunday morning arrived with a sunny sky. I was feeling a tremendous urge to plant some seeds......so I missed church and got a lot done in my garden. Farmers have to work when conditions are good and today was nearly perfect.
Since I had tilled a month or so back, I was able to work with a rake and hoe carefully to get some seeds in the very soggy ground today. Brody and I also installed 2 - 50 feet rolls of chicken wire around the bottom perimeter of part of the garden. I have caught a baby rabbit in my garden and he and possibly his siblings have been munching on my chard and cauliflower. Momma rabbit can't fit through the holes of my fence. I plan to do a few more rows of chicken wire next weekend to protect the entire perimeter from these furry little pests!
Things planted this weekend:
Friday afternoon - 10 Red Knock-Out Rose bushes (double-bloom ), 2 white peonies, and a flat of Shasta daisies. The peonies I purchased at Wal-Mart and planted in January are up and doing well. The peonies transplants from my own bed have not sprouted yet, so as a back up I am crowding a few more store bought roots in the row. I'm cautiously optimistic about the beginning steps of this layered design. The rose bushes are at the front of the garden on the right side. The peonies are planted behind the roses. You have to walk in the garden to see the peonies. I hope as the roses mature they will provide shade from the oh so hot Texas afternoon sun.
Sunday - (From seed) kale, romaine lettuce, muscaline lettuce (mixed gourmet blend), sugar snap peas, peas (bush variety), beets and onion chives. I also planted two onion chive transplants.
My legs are already sore from a few hours of squatting (installating chicken wire) and hoeing. I shutter to think what this will mean tomorow and Tuesday...I have a few doctors appointments Tuesday, but hope to get home in time to get a few potatoes in the ground. I'm actually a little late on them!! More exercise will help ease my soreness, right?
Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful weather!
This is going to be so great - sore muscles and all!